During a routine day on the job, Dredd is assigned to train and evaluate Cassandra Anderson (Olivia Thirlby), a rookie with powerful psychic abilities thanks to a genetic mutation. A heinous crime calls them to a neighborhood where fellow Judges rarely dare to venture – a 200 story vertical slum controlled by prostitute-turned-drug lord Ma-Ma (Lena Headey) and her ruthless clan. When they capture one of the clan’s inner circle, Ma-Ma overtakes the compound’s control center and wages a dirty, vicious war against the Judges that proves she will stop at nothing to protect her empire. With the body count climbing and no way out, Dredd and Anderson must confront the odds and engage in the relentless battle for their survival.
All in all Dredd was a really enjoyable action film and I would say for those not familiar with the Judge Dredd comics it would be a very good bridge to actually reading them. I personally haven't read much Judge Dredd but I am familiar with the 2000AD characters and their concepts. Here comes one little meh: as far as I am aware Judge Dredd (in the comics) is portrayed and the quintessential badass (which this film definitely delivered) and a hard hearted personification of totalitarian law. He IS the law! He is supposed to be a bit of an anti-hero because he is so harsh, however I'd say this is true for only about 80% of the film. We see him soften a bit, especially towards his trainee Anderson.
However this for me is only a little meh because films and comics are two very different disciplines I do feel that if Dredd had been his actual harsh, dickish self throughout the whole film it probably wouldn't have been as enjoyable; the ending would have been different from what it was in the film. If he had done a 'Comic Dredd' ending you would have gone out of the cinema hating the 'hero' which is just not the way cinema works. You want the end of films to feel concluded and wholesome because films (unless in a definite series of films) should give the viewer a nice compact story and it should feel resolved at the end, which this did.
However this for me is only a little meh because films and comics are two very different disciplines I do feel that if Dredd had been his actual harsh, dickish self throughout the whole film it probably wouldn't have been as enjoyable; the ending would have been different from what it was in the film. If he had done a 'Comic Dredd' ending you would have gone out of the cinema hating the 'hero' which is just not the way cinema works. You want the end of films to feel concluded and wholesome because films (unless in a definite series of films) should give the viewer a nice compact story and it should feel resolved at the end, which this did.
The film definitely got across the badass aspect with all the really great one liners and Karl Urban I think was definitely the perfect choice for the roll. He had the voice right, the swagger, the way Dredd moves and of course the defining gurn. Exhibit A:
The picture above is all sparkly and glowy because (I assume) its a shot from one of the 'slo-mo' scenes. I found this bit of cinematography really interesting. Here is a clip of one such scene: WARNING! If you don't like blood or pieces of face flying at you in slow moition, don't press play :/
To conclude, this film is well worth going to see, but not if your squeamish or don't like gritty violence. At the beginning of the film the villain, Mama, has three men skinned alive and thrown off a balcony 200 floors up and they land with a bit of a splat...
There is plans for a trilogy in the works providing that it grosses $50mil in the US. Heres some other articles I found on the matter!
In the mean time I'm going to invest in the Judge Dredd comic omnibuses. I am rather taken with the concepts for the Dredd Universe and think it'll be a comic series I will rather enjoy :)
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