I thought I'd sort of do a continuation on my previous post and give ideas so to how to make petty cash. As I said before, it all adds up, every penny. You maybe surprised.
1. To reiterate from before, hoard coins. Pick up coins off the street, save your change. This is a really simple thing you can do and when you come to cash in you can end up with a fair bit.
2. Doesn't necessarily make money, but I do have a Terramundi money pot which I put a bit of gold and silver in every week. The beauty of these pots is that you have to literally smash them to get the money out. So if your in a tight squeeze or you want to purchase something big this is a nice little cash pot to extract money from.
3. Right before going to university have a very THOROUGH clear out of your possessions. Be this books, clothes or DVDs etc. For clothes and books try to get rid of them on ebay, and any DVDs if you think its worth the hassle. If you put an auction up at 99p the listing is free, but if you want to put more than that up then I suggest you wait for one of their free listing weekends. This saves pennies yes, but if your putting a lot of stuff up it does add up. Furthermore, why would you want to give ebay any more of your money? They take a percentage of your final sales anyways!
4. Any games, CDs and DVDs that you can't sell on ebay try and get rid of through sites like musicmagpie. A lot of of things you'll only get like 30p for but if your just going to throw it out anyways then you may as well make some pennies off of it! Anything leftover, take to the charity shop ;)
5. Advantage cards. When you do shop in places like Superdrug, Boots and Tescos use your advtantage/club cards. Its essentially giving you pennies back on your purchases and you may as well collect them. At some point you maybe able to spend them!
6. Get petty part time work in the summer or during term (if you can't find an actual job). Obviously getting a full time job for the summer allows you to stock pile money for the rest of the year, but if not you maybe able to find odd days of jobs in places like football stadiums etc This summer I worked in catering at a racecourse, which was only odd days because thats all they could offer.
7. Enter freebies and giveaway comps. Some even offer cash! I know it can be annoying but, enter as many as you can bear! I know you probably think its pointless and you wont win but theres still a chance! Why pass up on the possibility of free stuff!
7. Enter freebies and giveaway comps. Some even offer cash! I know it can be annoying but, enter as many as you can bear! I know you probably think its pointless and you wont win but theres still a chance! Why pass up on the possibility of free stuff!
Remember with money, even a penny is better than nothing!
I also found that student beans set up a new website so all their offers are in one place! http://www.freshersfields.com/ using offers and coupons is still saving pennies!
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