Wow first of all I am so sorry I have not updated. I have been updating my tumblr daily because I wanted to keep a 'picture based diary' of my year and tumblr's format is much more conducive to this. If you want to be bombarded with daily pictures of the random (mis)adventures I get up to on a (nearly) day to day basis then you can follow me here. I shall try to update this blog once a week too though, the posts will probably be more text based.
So heres a whirlwind random selection of pics of the past few weeks and I aim to keep you guys more frequently updated on here some time next week!!
*psst* I was interviewed for TV...
Like what you see and want daily Japan photo goodness? Subscribe to my tumblr!!
Also if you have any questions about living in Japan, Japanese language or just want a chat my mailbox is always open!